
søndag 24. juli 2011

Outfit & Makeup of the Day! + special message at the end.

I actually took these photos a couple of days ago, but I just haven't had the time to post them before now. I figured I could do an outfit with one of the tops I bought the last time I went shopping, so I did. It's a very simple outfit, I didn't really go out that day. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos!

Tanktop: BikBok.
Yellow top: BikBok.
Tights: BikBok.
Lol, I didn't realize I was wearing all BikBok.

Shoes: H&M.

Necklace: Secondhand (I got it in Fretex, which is like a thrift store.)

I really can't be bothered to write down all the stuff I had on my face, 'cause it was a lot. Sowwee!

I just wanted to write something about what has recently happened here in Norway. I'm thinking about everyone who has lost someone, everyone who worries and are scared, everyone who got hurt, and everyone who lost their lived this horrible way. We all have to stay strong as a big family and remember what's important in life. We have to appreciate what we have, and show our loved ones we love them. I don't even want to think about what it would be like to lose a friend, family member, or even someone I hardly knew at all. My heart bleeds for all of you. We had no one to lose, but still, many was taken away from us. Way too many...

In Norwegian:
Jeg ville bare skrive noe om det som nylig har skjedd her i Norge. Jeg tenker på alle som har mistet noen, alle som er bekymret og redde, alle som ble skadd, og alle som mistet livet på denne grusomme måten. Vi må holde oss sterke som en stor familie og huske hva som er viktig i livet. Vi må sette pris på det vi har, og vise de vi er glad i at vi er glad i dem. Jeg vil ikke en gang tenke på hvordan det ville være å miste en venn, et familiemedlem, eller til og med noen jeg så vidt kjente. Hjertet mitt blør for dere alle. Vi hadde ingen og miste, men likevel ble vi fratatt mange. Alt for mange...

Much love. xx

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